Saturday, August 21, 2010
Been a while huh?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Holy crap it is huge!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I was wrong. Last week he was an eggplant
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had but I think they might be expanding
Sleep? Not so good. Jack woke me up this morning. That was a first
Best moment this week? Being woken up by my son
Movement: He is thumping around big time in there this morning.
Food cravings: Ribs, potatoes and lemonade, I don't think these are ever going to change
Belly button in or out? totally in, but I think it is getting shallower.
What I miss? Sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? next goal is to get to 28 weeks. Why 28? Sounds like a good number. Then I can set another goal. Little bit at a time makes the time go by faster.
Weekly wisdom: When you need to sit, sit. If you are walking and someone with you is walking fast, tell them to slow down. Don't push yourself.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Still a Papaya
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? Not so good.
Best moment this week? 24 week appointment. he is measuring right on track
Movement: Feeling more and more. I wish they were more consistent, but I will take what I can get.
Food cravings: Ribs, potatoes and lemonade
Belly button in or out? totally in, but I think it is getting shallower.
What I miss? Sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? next goal is to get to 28 weeks. Why 28? Sounds like a good number. Then I can set another goal. Little bit at a time makes the time go by faster.
Weekly wisdom: When you need to sit, sit. If you are walking and someone with you is walking fast, tell them to slow down. Don't push yourself.
I know it is huge!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
24 weeks
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? Horrible lately. I sleep fine for 5 hours or so but then I toss and turn and can't get comfortable and I wake up sore.
Best moment this week? Watching by belly bounce around when he kicks and Erik finally feeling him (one light kick at least)
Movement: Feeling more and more. I wish they were more consistent, but I will take what I can get.
Food cravings: Ribs, potatoes and lemonade
Belly button in or out? totally in, but I think it is getting shallower.
What I miss? Sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? tomorrow is V-Day! Obviously I don't want him here now, but knowing they would at least try to save him is somewhat of a relief. 24 week appointment is on Wednesday
Weekly wisdom: When you need to sit, sit. If you are walking and someone with you is walking fast, tell them to slow down. Don't push yourself.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? The most comfortable sleeping is on the couch
Best moment this week? Watching by belly bounce around when he kicks
Movement: Feeling it more and more. Sometimes he is really chill and other times he is going crazy. When he is kicking they are definitely stronger kicks
Food cravings: Ribs, potatoes and lemonade <--- hasn't changed
Belly button in or out? totally in, but I think it is getting shallower.
What I miss? Sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? 1 more week till V-day
Weekly wisdom: Always take snacks. I had 3 days this week that I was starving and had to wait to eat. Always bring a snack
Monday, July 5, 2010
I'm bad
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? Toss and turn all night
Best moment this week? He was moving around a bunch the other day. Not so much today
Movement: I am feeling it more and more. Some days more than others. I love it. - yep still this
Food cravings: Ribs, starburst, potatoes and lemonade <--- hasn't changed
Belly button in or out? totally in, but I think it is getting shallower.
What I miss? Not having to pee every hour.
What I am looking forward to? Finalizing a name
Weekly wisdom: Always take snacks. I had 3 days this week that I was starving and had to wait to eat. Always bring a snack
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? Not really.
Best moment this week? Feeling him get his groove on today to a song on the radio.
Movement: I am feeling it more and more. Some days more than others. I love it.
Food cravings: Ribs, starburst, potatoes and lemonade <--- hasn't changed
Belly button in or out? totally in, but I think it is getting shallower.
What I miss? Not having to pee every hour.
What I am looking forward to? Finalizing a name
Weekly wisdom: I am not sure if I have anything new this week.
Friday, June 18, 2010
19w5d belly pic and 20 week appointment

Thursday, June 17, 2010
We have a Penis!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Can we just call this 19 weeks?
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I toss and turn. The best sleep so far is when I fall asleep on the couch in a reclined sitting position.
Best moment this week? Feeling The Squish move a little more (stupid anterior placenta and fatness)
Movement: I was definitely kicked at least once, and I think I could feel him/her rolling
Food cravings: Ribs, starburst, potatoes and lemonade <--- hasn't changed Gender: I think it is a boy and so does everyone else.
Belly button in or out? totally in, but I think it is getting shallower.
What I miss? Sleeping flat on my back
What I am looking forward to? Thursday! Big ultrasound is on Thursday!
Weekly wisdom: I am not sure if I have anything new this week.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
( o )( o )
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? Waking up 2-3 times a night to use the bathroom.
Best moment this week? Not sure
Movement: At this point I don't know. I tell myself anytime now, but still not really feeling anything definite.
Food cravings: Ribs, starburst, potatoes and lemonade
Gender: I think it is a boy and so does everyone else.
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? Sleeping flat on my back and not freaking out over every twinge
What I am looking forward to? One week from Thursday is the big ultrasound!
Weekly wisdom: Pillows are your friend when trying to get comfortable <---yep
Friday, June 4, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
We'll say 17 weeks, mmkay?
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I could not get comfortable last night but I folded my snoogle over last night and propped myself up. It was fantastic.
Best moment this week? having lunch with a friend
Movement: I think I felt a little elbow or knee slide down but I don't know. Still feeling little pops.
Food cravings: Ribs, starburts, and lemonade
Gender: I think it is a boy and so does everyone else.
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? Sleeping flat on my back
What I am looking forward to? 3 more weeks until the BIG ULTRASOUND (yes it warranted caps)
Weekly wisdom: Pillows are your friend when trying to get comfortable
Saturday, May 22, 2010
16 weeks
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? It is getting better. I am not waking up completely sore anymore, but now I have to pee 2-3 times a night
Best moment this week? 16 weeks appointment. Everything is good. Got to see The Squish
Movement: I think I feel something once in a while, but I found out I have an anterior placenta so maybe it is all in my mind.
Food cravings: Still potatoes. Oh and we can add ribs to the list of foods I can eat 24/7
Gender: I think it is a boy and so does everyone else.
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? Nothing at the moment.
What I am looking forward to? 4 more weeks until the BIG ULTRASOUND (yes it warranted caps)
Weekly wisdom: If you are tired, relax. Don't overdo it. I did and now my feet are hating me. <--- yep still this Milestones: 16 weeks! For some reason I always thought 16 weeks was a big deal.
Friday, May 21, 2010
15w5d pictures
Painting the nursery
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Oh and my 15 week belly pic
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I love my Snoogle. I don't get the horrible back aches that I was getting.
Best moment this week? Not baby related - mom was here for a visit
Movement: Once in a while I feel a weird rippling feeling when I am lying down, but it could be gas.
Food cravings: Milk and potatoes. Any kind of potatoes
Gender: I think it is a boy
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? Not having headaches.
What I am looking forward to? 16 week appointment this Thursday. 16 WEEKS PEOPLE!
Weekly wisdom: If you are tired, relax. Don't overdo it. I did and now my feet are hating me.
Milestones: I may have found The Squish on the doppler, but I am not sure.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I got a Snoogle. I slept with it last night and it seems to help.
Best moment this week? Second Tri and shopping and talking about baby stuff with MIL and SIL
Movement: I felt a weird ripple one night, but I don't think it was The Squish
Food cravings: Milk and potatoes. Any kind of potatoes
Gender: I think it is a boy
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to? 5 more weeks until Big U/S
Weekly wisdom: Just because you feel great today doesn't mean you will feel great tomorrow
Milestones: Second Tri!
Friday, May 7, 2010
13w5d bloat/belly

Here it is at 13w5d. I think I may have found The Squish on the doppler very briefly this afternoon.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Random though
I don't know why but sometime I feel like a pregnancy fraud. I think it stems from the fact that it took so long to get pregnant and stay pregnant. I am so used to telling myself that I am not pregnant and "oh this shirt makes me look pregnant (because I am plump)"
Now when I wear maternity I for some reason I feel weird when people look at me because I am only 13 weeks. I want to tell them "no it is just pudge right now" even though I know it is not.
I go into the maternity stores and though I know I need clothes and I would feel a lot better with them on, I feel strange for some reason. I feel like everyone at work is just looking at my stomach and it makes me feel weird.
I don't know why, I just had to get that off my chest. I know it is completely crazy and me just being in my head.
I am not expecting anyone to respond, I just had to get it out.
13 weeks! Holy Crap
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? Toss and turn. Can't get comfortable and wake up with my back hurting. - yep still this
Best moment this week? That's a tough one. We had the NT scan which was awesome but we also told his parents which was great too.
Movement: Nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: Milk and potatoes. Any kind of potatoes
Gender: Last week I was thinking girl, but this week I am thinking boy. I think it is going to be a long 6 weeks until we find out.
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to? 05/05 is my birthday and my graduation to second tri
Weekly wisdom: Just because you feel great today doesn't mean you will feel great tomorrow
Milestones: NT Scan and told his parents
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
12 weeks update a day late
Maternity clothes? Rocking the bella band full time and I bought a couple of maternity tops that are super comfy
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? Toss and turn. Can't get comfortable and wake up with my back hurting.
Best moment this week? Last Thursday I got to see Squishy but s/he had it's back to us so all we saw was the spine and heartbeat.
Movement: Nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: nothing sounds good. I still love milk though.
Gender: With the headaches that I have been having I am leaning toward girl (I heard it from a friend)
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to? NT scan is this Thursday and we get to see the Squish.
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: Telling the parents this week.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Doctors appointment
So this one I went to alone. It was just a physical so I didn't see the need in Erik coming and watching me get poked and prodded.
I got the my appointment and had to give a urine sample. I about gave myself a heart attack when I looked in the toilet (gross habit) and saw bright red blood on the toilet paper. Then I realized that I had sliced my knuckle open somehow and that is what it was from. Stupid finger! Seriously I almost started crying.
I calmed down from that little scare. The called me back, took my weight (still down 15 pounds from my 6 week appointment) I then got felt up, poked and prodded, pap done (oh joy) and then she pulled out the doppler. She actually brought the u/s in "just incase she couldn't find it". Yep, she couldn't find it either. Oh and she brought in the u/s after poking me a bit and I think realizing how fat I really am.
Pull out the ultrasound machine. This was the first time ever having an ultrasound that was external and not the dildo cam. I got to see Squishy. S/he was just hanging out with his/her back to us. That is why she couldn't find it (besides my extra fluff). Unfortunately since the back was to us we couldn't get a picture either, but thats ok. Seeing the heart beat and her saying that it was "nice and stong" is all I needed.
She said that she thinks it's a boy just because s/he is being so stubborn already. I thought that was funny.
Next week is the NT scan. Hopefully Squishy is a little less stubborn then. They also scheduled my 18 week appointment (16 week was already scheduled) and set up the big u/s. We will find out on June 17 if it is a boy or girl. That doesn't seem far away considering it is almost May!
Holy crap! This is really happening!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Holy Crap a Lime!
Maternity clothes? Rocking the bella band full time
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I wish I could sleep all day and all night
Best moment this week?Not sure
Movement: Nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: nothing sounds good
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to? I have another Dr's appointment this Thursday. Hoping to see or at least hear Squishy
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: Not sure. I was finally able to eat 2 meals yesterday, but then got sick this morning, so only one stayed down.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
10 weeks!
Maternity clothes? Rocking the bella band full time
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I can't get comfortable and I toss and turn all night
Best moment this week?Seeing our beautiful squishy at the 9w4d appointment. Squishy was dancing a bit and had a great heart beat
Movement: Squish was dancing a bit. No rhythm like mama
Food cravings: nothing sounds good
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in.
What I miss? sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? 2 weeks and we are telling the family.
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: Seeing squishy with a healthy heartbeat.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Doctors appointment today
Saturday, April 3, 2010
So my ticker is behind by one day. Weird (I will be 9 weeks tomorrow)
How far along? 8w6d
Maternity clothes? Rocking the bella band full time
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I can't get comfortable and I toss and turn all night
Best moment this week? Um....not sure
Movement: nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: Cadbury Cream Eggs. I think this is because I can't have any because of Lent. One more day though.
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in.
What I miss? sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? Ultrasound this coming Thursday
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: I made it to 9 weeks.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Since ticker change day is on Sunday and I work on Sundays...
Maternity clothes? I have spent the past 3 days rocking the bella band.
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I don't have to get up every 3 hours to pee anymore, but I wake up so sore from tossing and turning and not being comfortable.
Best moment this week? Wearing my bella band I guess.
Movement: nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: still lime Popsicles. The tarter the better. And root beer.
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in.
What I miss? sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? 2 more weeks until my next u/s
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: not fitting into my pants anymore, but weighing less than usual. Weird
Saturday, March 20, 2010
We're going to act like it is 7 weeks, mmk?
I have always wanted to do one of these and was waiting, but I think 7 weeks is ok to start.
Weight gain/loss: nothing so far and I (and my dr.) are hoping to keep it that way
Maternity clothes? no, but my pants aren't really fitting to well thanks to bloat so the Bella Band has been ordered
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? horrible. I toss and turn and wake up every few hours to pee
Best moment this week? Oddly, my first bout of morning sickness. It is the one symptom that I hadn't had and was kinda reassuring.
Movement: nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: lime Popsicles. The tarter the better.
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in.
What I miss? sleeping through the night
What I am looking forward to? 3 more weeks until my next u/s
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: had my first u/s at 6w1d. There is definitely a baby in there which is farther than I got last time.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Finally an update
So the last we left off I had 2 (ok 4) positive pregnancy tests. Let's jump a head a few weeks here.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Finally an update