Saturday, May 29, 2010
We'll say 17 weeks, mmkay?
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I could not get comfortable last night but I folded my snoogle over last night and propped myself up. It was fantastic.
Best moment this week? having lunch with a friend
Movement: I think I felt a little elbow or knee slide down but I don't know. Still feeling little pops.
Food cravings: Ribs, starburts, and lemonade
Gender: I think it is a boy and so does everyone else.
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? Sleeping flat on my back
What I am looking forward to? 3 more weeks until the BIG ULTRASOUND (yes it warranted caps)
Weekly wisdom: Pillows are your friend when trying to get comfortable
Saturday, May 22, 2010
16 weeks
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? It is getting better. I am not waking up completely sore anymore, but now I have to pee 2-3 times a night
Best moment this week? 16 weeks appointment. Everything is good. Got to see The Squish
Movement: I think I feel something once in a while, but I found out I have an anterior placenta so maybe it is all in my mind.
Food cravings: Still potatoes. Oh and we can add ribs to the list of foods I can eat 24/7
Gender: I think it is a boy and so does everyone else.
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? Nothing at the moment.
What I am looking forward to? 4 more weeks until the BIG ULTRASOUND (yes it warranted caps)
Weekly wisdom: If you are tired, relax. Don't overdo it. I did and now my feet are hating me. <--- yep still this Milestones: 16 weeks! For some reason I always thought 16 weeks was a big deal.
Friday, May 21, 2010
15w5d pictures
Painting the nursery
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Oh and my 15 week belly pic
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I love my Snoogle. I don't get the horrible back aches that I was getting.
Best moment this week? Not baby related - mom was here for a visit
Movement: Once in a while I feel a weird rippling feeling when I am lying down, but it could be gas.
Food cravings: Milk and potatoes. Any kind of potatoes
Gender: I think it is a boy
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? Not having headaches.
What I am looking forward to? 16 week appointment this Thursday. 16 WEEKS PEOPLE!
Weekly wisdom: If you are tired, relax. Don't overdo it. I did and now my feet are hating me.
Milestones: I may have found The Squish on the doppler, but I am not sure.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I got a Snoogle. I slept with it last night and it seems to help.
Best moment this week? Second Tri and shopping and talking about baby stuff with MIL and SIL
Movement: I felt a weird ripple one night, but I don't think it was The Squish
Food cravings: Milk and potatoes. Any kind of potatoes
Gender: I think it is a boy
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to? 5 more weeks until Big U/S
Weekly wisdom: Just because you feel great today doesn't mean you will feel great tomorrow
Milestones: Second Tri!
Friday, May 7, 2010
13w5d bloat/belly

Here it is at 13w5d. I think I may have found The Squish on the doppler very briefly this afternoon.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Random though
I don't know why but sometime I feel like a pregnancy fraud. I think it stems from the fact that it took so long to get pregnant and stay pregnant. I am so used to telling myself that I am not pregnant and "oh this shirt makes me look pregnant (because I am plump)"
Now when I wear maternity I for some reason I feel weird when people look at me because I am only 13 weeks. I want to tell them "no it is just pudge right now" even though I know it is not.
I go into the maternity stores and though I know I need clothes and I would feel a lot better with them on, I feel strange for some reason. I feel like everyone at work is just looking at my stomach and it makes me feel weird.
I don't know why, I just had to get that off my chest. I know it is completely crazy and me just being in my head.
I am not expecting anyone to respond, I just had to get it out.
13 weeks! Holy Crap
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? Toss and turn. Can't get comfortable and wake up with my back hurting. - yep still this
Best moment this week? That's a tough one. We had the NT scan which was awesome but we also told his parents which was great too.
Movement: Nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: Milk and potatoes. Any kind of potatoes
Gender: Last week I was thinking girl, but this week I am thinking boy. I think it is going to be a long 6 weeks until we find out.
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to? 05/05 is my birthday and my graduation to second tri
Weekly wisdom: Just because you feel great today doesn't mean you will feel great tomorrow
Milestones: NT Scan and told his parents