Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
12 weeks update a day late
Maternity clothes? Rocking the bella band full time and I bought a couple of maternity tops that are super comfy
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? Toss and turn. Can't get comfortable and wake up with my back hurting.
Best moment this week? Last Thursday I got to see Squishy but s/he had it's back to us so all we saw was the spine and heartbeat.
Movement: Nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: nothing sounds good. I still love milk though.
Gender: With the headaches that I have been having I am leaning toward girl (I heard it from a friend)
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to? NT scan is this Thursday and we get to see the Squish.
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: Telling the parents this week.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Doctors appointment
So this one I went to alone. It was just a physical so I didn't see the need in Erik coming and watching me get poked and prodded.
I got the my appointment and had to give a urine sample. I about gave myself a heart attack when I looked in the toilet (gross habit) and saw bright red blood on the toilet paper. Then I realized that I had sliced my knuckle open somehow and that is what it was from. Stupid finger! Seriously I almost started crying.
I calmed down from that little scare. The called me back, took my weight (still down 15 pounds from my 6 week appointment) I then got felt up, poked and prodded, pap done (oh joy) and then she pulled out the doppler. She actually brought the u/s in "just incase she couldn't find it". Yep, she couldn't find it either. Oh and she brought in the u/s after poking me a bit and I think realizing how fat I really am.
Pull out the ultrasound machine. This was the first time ever having an ultrasound that was external and not the dildo cam. I got to see Squishy. S/he was just hanging out with his/her back to us. That is why she couldn't find it (besides my extra fluff). Unfortunately since the back was to us we couldn't get a picture either, but thats ok. Seeing the heart beat and her saying that it was "nice and stong" is all I needed.
She said that she thinks it's a boy just because s/he is being so stubborn already. I thought that was funny.
Next week is the NT scan. Hopefully Squishy is a little less stubborn then. They also scheduled my 18 week appointment (16 week was already scheduled) and set up the big u/s. We will find out on June 17 if it is a boy or girl. That doesn't seem far away considering it is almost May!
Holy crap! This is really happening!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Holy Crap a Lime!
Maternity clothes? Rocking the bella band full time
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I wish I could sleep all day and all night
Best moment this week?Not sure
Movement: Nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: nothing sounds good
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in
What I miss? sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to? I have another Dr's appointment this Thursday. Hoping to see or at least hear Squishy
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: Not sure. I was finally able to eat 2 meals yesterday, but then got sick this morning, so only one stayed down.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
10 weeks!
Maternity clothes? Rocking the bella band full time
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I can't get comfortable and I toss and turn all night
Best moment this week?Seeing our beautiful squishy at the 9w4d appointment. Squishy was dancing a bit and had a great heart beat
Movement: Squish was dancing a bit. No rhythm like mama
Food cravings: nothing sounds good
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in.
What I miss? sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? 2 weeks and we are telling the family.
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: Seeing squishy with a healthy heartbeat.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Doctors appointment today
Saturday, April 3, 2010
So my ticker is behind by one day. Weird (I will be 9 weeks tomorrow)
How far along? 8w6d
Maternity clothes? Rocking the bella band full time
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I can't get comfortable and I toss and turn all night
Best moment this week? Um....not sure
Movement: nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: Cadbury Cream Eggs. I think this is because I can't have any because of Lent. One more day though.
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in.
What I miss? sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? Ultrasound this coming Thursday
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: I made it to 9 weeks.