Saturday, March 27, 2010

Since ticker change day is on Sunday and I work on Sundays...

these will always be a day early

How far along?
Weight gain/loss: I think I am actually down a couple of pounds thanks to my loss of appetite.
Maternity clothes? I have spent the past 3 days rocking the bella band.
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? I don't have to get up every 3 hours to pee anymore, but I wake up so sore from tossing and turning and not being comfortable.
Best moment this week? Wearing my bella band I guess.
Movement: nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: still lime Popsicles. The tarter the better. And root beer.
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in.
What I miss? sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to? 2 more weeks until my next u/s
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: not fitting into my pants anymore, but weighing less than usual. Weird

Saturday, March 20, 2010

We're going to act like it is 7 weeks, mmk?

I have always wanted to do one of these and was waiting, but I think 7 weeks is ok to start.

How far along? 6w6d
Weight gain/loss: nothing so far and I (and my dr.) are hoping to keep it that way
Maternity clothes? no, but my pants aren't really fitting to well thanks to bloat so the Bella Band has been ordered
Stretch marks? just the ones I already had
Sleep? horrible. I toss and turn and wake up every few hours to pee
Best moment this week? Oddly, my first bout of morning sickness. It is the one symptom that I hadn't had and was kinda reassuring.
Movement: nothing that I can feel
Food cravings: lime Popsicles. The tarter the better.
Gender: not a clue
Belly button in or out? totally in.
What I miss? sleeping through the night
What I am looking forward to? 3 more weeks until my next u/s
Weekly wisdom: I don't know but if you have any wisdom I will take it.
Milestones: had my first u/s at 6w1d. There is definitely a baby in there which is farther than I got last time.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh, and because I already had the picture but never posted it

Finally an update

So the last we left off I had 2 (ok 4) positive pregnancy tests. Let's jump a head a few weeks here.

I was at work and I fell. My back was hurting me pretty bad. When I called the advice nurse, I told her I am pregnant. She freaked out and made an appointment with my OB. Even though I told her I had an u/s scheduled on Wednesday, she still made me an appointment for Monday.

I went in on Monday. Got the lecture from my OB about freaking out and not calling the advice nurse unless there is really something wrong. Whatever. She did an u/s. There is a yolk sac, fetal pole and she said she saw a little flicker. I guess I may have seen something, but it was so small that I am not sure.

She also said I have a 3cm cyst in my ovary, but she isn't worried about it. She canceled my appointment that was set for Wednesday with my RE. I almost wish I hadn't said anything about my appointment on Wednesday. I would have loved to have Erik there and maybe have the chance of really seeing a heart beat.

Oh well. I go back in April for my 9 week appointment. Then we should really get a good picture and a look at the heart beat. Keep your fingers crossed and pray that everything continues going well.

::oh and I promise I will try to update more frequently:::